
Record all occurrences of the enterprise in a single system, with easy access and reports.

The management of property security is fundamental for companies and organizations of all types and sizes, aiming to protect the physical and human assets of the company against internal and external threats.

Efficient property security management requires a proactive approach, which involves the use of appropriate tools and technologies to ensure the security of the company’s assets and the people involved.

What does good asset security management mean?

The basis of a good management of property security does not consist only of equipment such as CCTV cameras and the security team, but also in a good system that allows you to record occurrences and attach documents that prove the occurrences in the enterprise.

All this is extremely useful in future case analyses – either by the internal team of the enterprise, or by some external investigation or verification of data by insurers and legal department (in case of litigation with clients of the enterprise or tenants, for example).

In addition, along with images that prove what happened, the record is a fundamental basis in the application of penalties to tenants for non-compliance with the mall’s internal regulations. This situation leads to fines that are almost always contested. If the manager of the enterprise does not have a good documentation of the case, this will prolong the discussion for a long time with the tenant.

Good monitoring with security cameras and alarm systems allow constant supervision of the assets of the enterprise. This enables management to be aware of any suspicious or dangerous activity and can act quickly to prevent potential harm and risk.

The recording of the entire occurrence needs to be ensured by a robust system. This is exactly what ControlXRM’s safety module delivers.

Check out the main features for ControlXRM security

  • Incident registration
  • Elaboration of daily synopses
  • Control of fire extinguishers and hydrants
  • Planning and control of safety inspections
  • Administration of outsourced team, service orders and equipment
  • Task control
  • Digitized attachments that make up the tenant’s file, with all the infractions of internal regulations that he may eventually commit

Count on our technology for the security of your enterprise!

Get to know all the advantages of having the ControlXRM solution for the security management of your business enterprise. To learn more, fill in the fields below and one of our experts will contact you:

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